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The e-commerce.

Need a member to make a test run


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You mean the footer position screwing up?


Read this: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=61858


especially this part:


2) on the line below <?php at the very beginning of the file, add

ini_set ( 'session.use_trans_sid', 0);

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)


No I need someone to make an actual purchase to see if the get an error when they go to confirm the order....

The Hobby Undergound..."For The Pure Hobbyist"


OK heres the Error that comes up:



Warning: Server Error in c:\hosting\webhost4life\member\fireball\catalog\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\hosting\webhost4life\member\fireball\catalog\includes\classes\email.php:500) in c:\hosting\webhost4life\member\fireball\catalog\includes\functions\general.php on line 29




I set up a user John Doe and ran through the order process.


Also, apparently there are no images in your folkders as all the image links are broken. just a side point..



hope this helps




The images I know about ...Thats not a biggie right now ...I just want to get this fixed ASAP....2/12 days and nothing...

The Hobby Undergound..."For The Pure Hobbyist"


OK folks thanks for your testing for me its still doing the same thing with know results but errors.....

The Hobby Undergound..."For The Pure Hobbyist"


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