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The e-commerce.

Includeing site'e upper menu

Edward Rejmer

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I would like the shop (www.ekoekspert.com/sklep/) to look like the rest of my website (www.ekoekspert.com). That is, I would like to:


- include the upper site's menu

- change the colors of the shop

- change the width of the shops table to be the same as of the rest of the site (760)


Do you have any idea how to do it?

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Might want to fix this:


Ostrzeżenie: Istnieje możliwość zapisu pliku konfiguracyjnego w lokalizacji: /home/clients/www/ekoekspert.com/sklep/includes/configure.php. Istnieje ryzyko zagrożenia pracy systemu - zmień uprawnienia dla tego pliku.



For the upper sites menu I am guessing you mean the languages? If you add languages to OSC it will mak an info box for you. I would think you could then take the link and code it to the flags in your top menu.


Color of the shop I sould look at the BTS or STS contributions. Also you can make chnages via editing your stylesheet.css file.


Change OSC so that it centers on screen wityh 760 as a table size, look for the center store contribution and adjust the table size.

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Might want to fix this:


Ostrzeżenie: Istnieje możliwość zapisu pliku konfiguracyjnego w lokalizacji: /home/clients/www/ekoekspert.com/sklep/includes/configure.php. Istnieje ryzyko zagrożenia pracy systemu - zmień uprawnienia dla tego pliku.

Yes, of course I want. I wrote in another topic and get an answer that the attributes of both configure.php files should be 644 (now they are 777).


What is OSC?

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