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The e-commerce.

County Pulldown menu problems


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I'm having problems with the site www.starchsupplies.co.uk, (it is a live store, so dont buy unless you want really crisply ironed shirts :) !) on account creation/Address book editing, I cannot enter the county as London it just returns:


"Please select a county from the county pull down menu."


In the past, when I've experienced this problem, it has been because of a duplicate record in the zones table, however this isnt the case, no duplicate ID's, Zone Codes, or Zone Names. I've deleted the record and recreated it, still doesnt work, however it only happens (as far as I can see) to London, as any other randomly picked county works.


Any idea's?


Would it get confused with Londonderry? I dont think so, but I could be wrong.





Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module

Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1

You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game!


Have you tried entering the code in the admin area for a London Zone? Check there first to see if thats ok.


Sorry, I thought the forum emailed you when it had a reply. Yes, the code is definately there, Zone_Country ID 222, Unique ID something like 263, Short Code, LDN (But I have tried it as London aswell) Description London.


Alas Cant figure it out

Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module

Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1

You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game!

  • 2 weeks later...



I have the same problem as well.


There don't seemto be any duplicates in the zones table.


Anyone else got any ideas or seent his before?







I've changed the name of the county to "Greater London" which I believe is the official county name anyway. It works now but I have no idea why "London" is unacceptable.




  • 1 month later...

I have been dealing with the LONDON state for 2 months...at last, found your solution here that change it to GREATER LONDON and it works!!!


This is so weird!!! Why LONDON is not able to use, I search through my MYSQL in PHPADMIN and not found any duplication???


Is it the oscommerce somewhere blocking the LONDON word?? :lol:


Any one got any idea???


I personally agree with stevel's comments, as I found after further investigation that it was clashing with Londonderry in Ireland, I removed 'Londonderry' and this worked fine, perhaps the code should be changed to a '=' instead of 'like'. Not looking at the code at the moment, does anyone have a reason why it is set to like anyway, perhaps a bug that should be addressed?

Contribs Written: Nochex APC Payment Module, Cheque Payment Module

Contribs Updated: Information Pages Unlimited, Latest News V1

You've gotta be Quick on the Draw in this game!


The code assumes that the user may not type in the "state" exactly the way it shows in the zones database.


An alternative is to use my Country-State Selector contribution in conjunction with an appropriate Zones contribution, such as World Zones. That way, if there are zones defined, the user will have to select from a pulldown list and there will be no issue of them typing it in wrong.


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