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The e-commerce.

Long Read but Need Help


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Alright I?m having some small troubles again. First of all.


Sub-Total: $8.58

7.0% GST + 7.0% PST (Manitoba): $1.05

Flat Rate (Best Way): $8.58

Total: $17.16


Now I am sure I have my taxes setup properly and I was told how to setup my sort order and its as follows.


Shipping 3

Sub-Total 1

Tax 2

Total 6


Now the problem here is that $8.58 with 7% is $9.18 and 8.58 would come to 9.63 if it was to add $1.05. So now I?m begging to wonder if my Canadian currency is setup correctly. My Canadian currency is setup as follows.


Title: Canadian

Code: CAD

Symbol Left: $

Symbol Right:

Decimal Point: .

Thousands Point: ,

Decimal Places: 2

Last Updated:

Value: 0.75257099

Example Output:

$30.00 = $22.58


The currency value I used was from yesterday off of www.xe.com Now if anyone was wondering how my taxes were setup for further reference to help me out.


Tax Zones

Canada GST Zone (All Canadian Provinces)

HST Zone (New Brunswick Nova Scotia Newfound Land)

Manitoba PST Zone (Just Manitoba)


Tax Classes

GST Shipping class



Tax Rates (all my tax rates are set to priority 1) cause I don?t know how they?re suppose to be setup with priority

GST/HST/PST Class Canada GST Zone 7%

GST/HST/PST Class Manitoba PST Zone 7%

GST/HST/PST Class HST Zone 14%

GST Shipping class Canada GST Zone 7%

GST Shipping class Manitoba PST Zone 7%

GST Shipping class HST Zone 14%


Also after just being informed that the HST zone tax I have isn?t necessary since anybody outside of Manitoba only has to pay 7% GST so I can remove those. Well I tried to spill all the info I could for somebody to hopefully be able to help me figure this out. Right now other than a few other things on my store page I don?t know how to age getting the taxes and currency?s setup properly and working is the only thing holding me back from opening my store seeing as I am actually behind now since I?ve been having difficulties figuring out oscommerce. I have to be able to charge just Manitoba residents 7% pst and gst and everyone else outside of Manitoba just 7% gst. And of course later when/if I start shipping outside of Canada hoping I make it that big I wont have to worry about charging them taxes since they?re outside of Canada. If this makes any sense to anyone and someone can help me get all this working properly its much and greatly appreciated



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I didnt see away to edit my post so im adding this here.


Also now in my product catagories abunch of N's are showing up. And i dont know how to remove them.



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