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Product Attrib TEXT INPUT


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hello, I need to allow users to type in the attribute field manullay at the end of the shopping cart during checkout, when I select the option in product attrib it show "option" in the drop down box. I need my customer to add information at the end of the order, its for a eyeglass store so they will need to type in there prescription manually'


This fine contribution should work for you.





Product Attributes - Option Type Feature


The purpose of this contribution is to allow the use of various option types when setting up product attributes. With the current CVS version of osCommerce, all options are displayed with select lists for user input. This contribution specifically adds the ability to display options with text input boxes. This allows a store owner to collect customization/personalization information for a product from the end user. The contribution is written in such a way that the addition of other option types such as Radio Buttons should be reasonably simple to add.





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