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see if any of you guys can make this work?


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i am trying to do something like this:


define($text['text'], $text['text_value']);


where both values are coming from an sql query and the text value would look something like this:


text ' . PREVIOUS_DEFINE . ' text


the text above is in a sql table but the problem is when it is put into the define it is not "parsing" the php code. it is displaying it with the define name not the value of the define. any ideas or suggestions?


while($text = tep_db_fetch_array($text_query)){
define($text['text_key'], $text['text_content']);



an example of $text['text_content']


Enquiry from ' . STORE_NAME


the output into the site is exactly like above, it's not putting the defined STORE_NAME into the string


what code do you have for the query




you posted as I typed

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and i have tried putting both kinds of quotes around the text content, but it will not pick up the fact that STORE_NAME is defined



i have a feeling i am going to have to create a custom function to get this to work how i am wanting.


you say that STORE_NAME is defined, is this within the file or being pulled from somewhere else

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


it is defined from the osc configuration table which is called from the application_top.php, and i know its defined because i put an echo of just STORE_NAME next to it and it worked, it is something with the define value being pulled from the database with the STORE_NAME constant set in it.


well i made a script to do it, just have to hardcode str_replace for any value that will be used.


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