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The e-commerce.

In need of a bit of help


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I just want to say that I?m new to the board so I apologize if I ask a question in this post that?s already been answered but hopefully the first one wont be so generic.


I think i have the taxes figured out but I could be wrong. When I go to my checkout this is what i get as a cost/total


Sub-Total: $36.48

Flat Rate (Best Way): $3.74

+ : $6.57

Total: $40.21


Now it could be just me but I?m positive that doesn?t add up right. I have been trying to setup my taxes for in Canada and just using a Canadian currency. I do not understand php so I?ve been using the osCommerce admin console on my site to set everything up. I have a few other questions but since this has gotten pretty long ill wait and ask them later.



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