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things are going well. have been following wiki, trying to learn php from http://us2.php.net, and using the search on this community board. still need some help though.


i have my websites header installed with my logo (that does link to my index.html page) and my menu bar that leads to my website pages.


i have not been able to figure out the code to get my links to work back to pages.

am getting familiar with the php files so it is getting easier wher to find things and with examples get them to work.


have not found an example yet on what files and what code to do this linking. can anyone help out on a lead.


thank you, this is great


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tony -


where do you want the links back to your website to be located ? in colum_left.php ?


if so, you can put the necessary html code in column_left.php. just put it outside the <?php ?> brackets.



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i have my html code in header.php. when i hover over my link the path is my_website/catalog/classes.ntml


i have to get rid of the catalog directory in my path. i get page cannot be found.


it should be my_website/classes.html

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