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Removing order numbers


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I would like to remove the order # found in the customers account section when they view their order history. I use another program to take care of invoicing and such and it generates it's own order #s. I find that the order #s generated from OS Commerce are making it confusing for the customer and I don't need those order numbers to be generated.


Is there any way to remove or stop the order numbers generated from OS Commerce?




You won't be able to stop OSC from creating order_ids without crashing the cart but you can easily stop them from displaying to the customer. For instance to keep it from appearing in the order history find this line in catalog/account_history_info.php:


            <td class="main" colspan="2"><b><?php echo sprintf(HEADING_ORDER_NUMBER, $HTTP_GET_VARS['order_id']) . ' <small>(' . $order->info['orders_status'] . ')</small>'; ?></b></td>


And comment it out so it does not display:


            <td class="main" colspan="2"><b><?php /*echo sprintf(HEADING_ORDER_NUMBER, $HTTP_GET_VARS['order_id']) . ' <small>(' . $order->info['orders_status'] . ')</small>';*/ ?></b></td>


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