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Products in database but not on site PLEASE HELP


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I am trying to transfer one database to another new database, i exported my SQL file correctly but when i upload on the new database with the drop tables,, i get the error message No SQL Query!.


When i insert each product from the sql database, the database shows the products but the admin and catalog do not show the products.. sometimes only the first 2 products from the database show.. please can someone help me....


thank you


are both databases to be the same.


if so create the new blank database using phpMyAdmin then take the old database select export choosing the options for sql



Add 'drop table'


Enclose table and field names with backquotes

Add into comments Data

Complete inserts



complete the export select the data, copy the data, select the new database, select sql and in the text box paste your copied data

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


I had this problem once as well. I found that the SQL database backup that you can create through your admin panel of OSC works just wonderfully while the backup I created through Cpanel would not work and gave the same error. So if you still have a functioning original OSC on the old server backup the database from your admin section and then download the sql file that is created in your backups directory. Go to your admin panel on the new server and go into the admin panel and restore the db from the file you downloaded. If that is not possible you can go into the current sql file that is not working and copy and paste the information into the sql query window of phpMyAdmin...it takes forever this way since you can only do about 1500 lines at a time but it will work. HTH


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