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Table shipping module for more than 1 Zone


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I have the problem to offer the following shipping configuration based on a tiered pricing based on the price. Is it possible to have 2 or 3 shipping zones configureed with a tiered table rate?


This is what I am looking for:


1. Shipping pricing to the US for example should be: 100:10,200:5,201:0


2. Shipping pricing to second the UK for examole should be: 100:7,101:0


Is it possible to duplicate this for more than 1 country in the table rate module? The standard seems to allow only one shipping zone to configure with a tiered pricing.


Does anyone know a contribution for this?


I appreciate any help.


Thanks very much.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The zones module only seems to use weight, not price. Can we hack it to use price?

i would like to know also how this is done... i too am looking for another way to charge people from another country different shipping price.


thanks in advance








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Its easy


Compare the table shipping module with the zones shipping module.


Take a look at the quote() function and you should see where to make the changes.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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sorry, but i'm gonna need a little bit more information!

these functions seem to be structured differently...

how do i instruct it to use price without an if-else like in table.php

simply replacing the $shipping_weight var with $order_total doesn't do the trick

can you give a few more clues for a php newbie?



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This may only answer the request from the second person, but I had faced the prospect of having two different tiers (weight based though), and I did not want to have to put every single country code (except the US) into the zone 2 module. (Now there may be an easier way, but I did not know it.)


So I reset the zone module back to one zone, placed my domestic country code into the zone 1 countries option, and set my domestic tier in place.

Then I used the table module to set the international tier in place.


Now, yes, both will show up, but the international purchaser will not be able to select the less expensive zone option, because they will be told by the software that that particular shipping option is not available for their country, so they will be limited to the one choice (table).

Of course domestic customers will have the choice of which method they want, but most will obviously choose the less expensive zone option.


I am sure that there are contributions that streamline this, but for someone who already has spent considerable time setting everything up and does not want to mess around with adding another option on their plate, I think that this will work well for them.

Hope this helps somebody.


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  • 1 month later...

Is there anywhere I can find a basic explanation of the zones and shipping table concepts? I am trying to find a solution that will allow each product to have a specific price depending on which of 9 regions it's going to.


Any documentation around to help me understand the general environment???



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