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Managing files better


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This is kinda obvious, but it sure has saved me a lot of effort.


Instead of using an FTP programme, i have simply mapped a link to my web space as a new network place.


This took less than two minutes and all the information you need is your FTP address and password - don't forget that you need to enter the FULL ftp address eg ftp://ftp.yourdomain.com. Just click on start/My network places/Add network place? and follow the wizard.


The payoff is that you can work with files as if they are on your pc ie easy copying, deleting, searching and backing up.





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Ftp file transfer protocal, you are just replacing one protocal for another, a good ftp program will allow you these functions

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree with this. It is not dumping or replacing FTP.

But it should make it easier to maneuver. I never could get that to work on my system for some reason.

Now, it was mentioned a good ftp program can do this. Which one?

WS_FTP was good in it's day, but now...hardly.

I have tried others such as CoreFTP and SmartFTP. Drag N Drop works, but it would be nice to have one that integrates with windows explorer where you can set ftp.somehost.com and drag and drop just like you are putting it on another drive. I used to have Internet Neighborhood, but now they have become exorberently priced on that product.

Anyway, if you have recommendations, please share.


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If you have frontpage extensions installed in your server, you can use the same feature in network neighborhood, add your site (this time with http:// not ftp://)

and it will become just another folder in your system.


It's a little bit faster than using the same function with ftp.

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i did say that it was not a big revelation.


The benefit over FTP is the "searchable" bit I mentioned above. For example, if like me, you don't know which osC file does what, you can search for a file that contains a certain string. I tend to use this a lot.





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I'll have to admit. I neverthought of using my windows search tool to search through files on my web server. I think that's a pretty good idea!


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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I don't even use FTP at all anymore. I wanted to use a secure method, and although Secure Copy (scp) is ok, I wanted a graphical tool, and found one:

WinSCP. It looks a lot like any FTP client, but it uses scp as the underlying transport instead. I do believe that you server will need to have scp installed, but most do by default, at least the several hosts that I use for diversity all had it except one, and I simply installed it there myself.

It can also use SSH FTP (Secure FTP)



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Filezilla (filezilla.sourceforge.net) does both FTP and SCP (well, copy over SSH). UI is similar to WS_FTP.



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