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Hey gang. Please take a look and give me your opinions and give me the harsh truth.


My Webpage




Dont be nice.


Hiya I like it,

A few things though :-)


I would put the date bar in you footer below the curvy bit at the bottom.


Also when you look at product info for instance the right column miss aligns untill the page is loaded this is becuase you havn't specified the width on you reviews and notifications images !


Oh and i think that the header image is a bit big. Does't bother me coz ive got big connection and monitor but i can see people with 600x800 on a dial up suffering


Apart from that very good


Hope this helps




I think your header is too big, it wastes so much valuable real estate.


The page also took forever to load, too slow. If the average user can not see something in 7 or 8 seconds you have lost them.



I like the header and your color scheme works really well with it.


The header loaded almost instantly on my dialup connection. It appears, though, that you aren't using separate thumbnails for your product images, and they were VERY slow to load at 20-30K each. Definitely consider using separate thumbnails.


Your 'Star Orchid' product picture with the four men in it stands out like a sore thumb against the others -- might be worth taking a separate picture of it for site continuity.


Good job!





Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *


Thanks alot for the great tips. Will work on that now and get those things fixed.


Thanks a lot.




thanks again.


Here is what I fixed based on your input.


I made the header smaller and I think that it looks better and is faster too. I moved the counter and date to the lower area and removed that blue line they were in and I think that looks better also.


I need some assistance with the pages that expand when you first vist the page. I think that I need to modify the information boxes and reviews boxes but I tried and am not sure which specific pages to modify.


I do have MO PICS installed and will work on using two seperate images for the smaller and larger pictures.


Thanks again for your input.




Hey, your site looks great. I like the product. The pictures of Higgins and Magnum called my attention.




I just wanted to say thank you for all of the help that you have given me on getting this site set up.


Thanks again




Here's my 2sen worth.


The header's fine by me. The size impact on download really depends on the intended audience. If you've got a pretty good idea who your users will be, and quite sure they're on higher speed, then it's okay. Moreover most users in USA are on higher quality lines, I think. Unless if your market is the other parts of the world.


Your branding tagline "a little image of aloha" seems a little too small, make that bigger, after all, the tagline is what'll give value to the whole effort. Your image/identity needs better representation. In fact the text next to the tagline is not legible on my 1280 x 1024 monitor. If you send me the psd file, I will do a few variations and show you what I mean, FREE.


The picture of Magnum was distorted a bit. My experience with the image settings is to set the width anything you want, and leave height settings blank, this way the system resizes proportionally. Take a look at http://club-catalog.com/catalog requires id admin and pwd 1q2w9o0p for access now see if this is to your liking. This way your images do not look all standard sized, and I like it this way.


Looking at products, the size chart pop-up button would be nicely placed if located at the bottom of selection. Also the pop up window is too big, see if you can get exact sized using Javascript.


The color options are great, but what if they want to view how the shirt looks like in the other color? Needs lots of work, I'm going to attempt this later on. I've read Javascript does image-swap and I'm looking to doing it later.


In your section on Shipping & Returns, I noticed a few references to "I" but you do not make any attempt to identify yourself. It's an excellent idea to come out with your poarticulars, even making your character a theme of the site itself. It'll become part of the branding. Especially so if you're a male and with moustache like Magnum :D


Okay for now. Would love to comment more if you like what I have to say.


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