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The e-commerce.

Customer specific products - HELP!


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Has anyone out there successfully modified osCommerce to only display specific products to specific customers based on their login information? My client is a photographer and wants to offer some photos to the general public, but mostly only specific photos to her specific clients (where no one else could see or purchase the specific images except the customer she assigns to them, presumably in the admin area). I figure the way it would look in the end is to have the general categories, and then one category called "My Photos", where the end customer could look at and purchase the photos they just commisioned. I need to figure out something quick for this client and any help would be much appreciated!


I've read a couple posts on this subject but didn't see any final solutions, mostly just some speculation on what one _might_ do. Are their any working contributions like this out there that I may have over looked?








Please, I just need some better clue as to where to start on this concept without breaking the whole thing (that's all that's happening so far).


I have a customer who needs a shopping cart system for their photography business....



unable to right click...

purchasing options...


can this be done with oscommerce?

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I have found this other thread on the exact same topic -- no complete anwers there yet either:



Here are my thoughts so far:


1) Can't afford to actually hire a programmer right now. Thanks for the tip though... I'll keep it in mind for a "worst case scenario". I'm trying to learn this stuff myself anyway, so that would be kind of self-defeating if I did that right away.


2) As I posted in the aformentioned thread (in case anyone is paying attention to it still), it makes sense that you'd need to add couple of fields, perhaps to the product table(?), or a maybe even a whole new table to the DB(?) in order to associate specific products with specific customers. But my biggest question is how to call that info from within the admin area (as you're adding/modifying each product), as well as dynamically calling it on the customer side of the shop depending on whether they're logged in.


3) To CentralMass -- As far as what you're trying to do with your photographer client, this is essentially what I am working on. If you don't need the custom client photo stuff, then you could easily find a script on Hotscripts.com or something to disable right-click/download, and then insert it in the code that calls your product images in product_info.php and popup_image.php (I'm away from my normal computer, but I think those are the filenames). I' not sure about watermarks though -- if you can take the time to ad them to the actual images in Photoshop, no prob, but dynamically, I'm not sure if there's an existing script out there to do that or not.


My general approach to all this for my client is to have their main gallery and their purchasing options seperate. I have a gallery set up in one top level directory, simply called "gallery", and then I have my osCommerce installation in a directory called "shop". The gallery itself is all in Flash, making it so a) the presentation is high impact, and b) no one can download the images directly from it.


From there I need to eventually (soon) enable a link over to the shop. Selling general photos wouldn't be a problem, it's just when my client has specific client photos for only ONE of _theri_ clients - that's where the trouble comes in.


this company is currently serving my clients needs, but he is willing to pay for the coding to make it work on his own system....





I understand the rightclick point you mention, adding that to the code, that would work. However, he cannot do a watermark on every photo. He uploads batches and the watermark would need to be applied on the upload.

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A good photo image editor can apply a watermark in batches. All you have to do is select an entire directory and it will apply the watermark to every photo in the folder.


This capability exists in Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop, that I know of. PSP is the cheaper of the two, but Photoshop is the FAR FAR FAR more powerful of the two.



That sounds like the superior option to me. You can do this using the gdlib module of PHP, which is an image editing module, but you will tear your hair out trying to learn to use it.


there is a contribution that places a sort of watermark into the images, which I have installed

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


thanks I got that watermark contrib now, thanks....



I am going to pay a programmer to do what I need. I will gladly share it when it is done if someone contacts me. It won't be done for a month or so, so give me some time.

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Does anyone still want to talk about having a customized user experience? Watermarks are all well and good, and it looks like there are plenty of solutions for that... (I just did a batch of about 300 images in 10 minutes in Photoshop myself).... but that has basically nothing to do with the original topic of this thread - it was just a side bar.




Random thoughts -- some one tell me if I'm on the right track, at least in my theory....


- add a field to the products table in the DB, called something like user_id (some how this needs to be related to the "customers" table i guess, for cross referencing).

- add a drop down in the "add product" area of the admin section, say under the "manufacturer" drop down, to select a user name to associate with the product -- yes, this could over time become a HUGE drop down

- if anonymous user goes to site, they see the generic products and categories, period.

- user registers, contacts photographer for session, they do their thing, a week or so later, the photographer puts the products into a category called "My Photos" and selects the user name from the aformentioned drop down in the admin area.

- the registered user logs in, suddenly sees this "My Photos" category, and their photos within - NO OTHER USER WOULD BE ABLE TO SEE OR PURCHASE THESE PARTICULAR PHOTOS.


SURELY some one else in this community has had to do a mod at least KIND OF like this! Part of me thinks this shouldn't be that hard, but the other part (the programmer-still-in-training) is simply confused and sick of breaking code from my admitted lack of experience at this level.


If no answers arise from here, guess I'll start another thread and try to get more specific... again...


many thanks.

  • 4 years later...
thanks I got that watermark contrib now, thanks....



I am going to pay a programmer to do what I need. I will gladly share it when it is done if someone contacts me. It won't be done for a month or so, so give me some time.




How did you get on with this all those years ago?

I am currently setting up a photography web site and need the usual extras:

password protected categories, easy prod load etc


Did you put a contribution up for this or can you point me in the right direction?


Many thanks,



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