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The e-commerce.

Problem with shopping cart


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My site is here... gottascrapbook.com


This thing was working wonderful for me since installation. Then all of a sudden no one can get through the checkout process without much frustration of repeated login attempts and shopping cart emptying etc.


Please feel free to test it, just place your order as a money order and I won't hold you to it..just include "test' in your name.




I'm exhausted from trying to figure this out. its been messed up for 2 weeks.

i've even tried to rebuild the site as a bare bones (no contributions added) just to get it functioning again...I still have the same problem.


If anyone can add some direction to what might be happening I'd love to hear!




Have you contacted your webhost to see if they have made a recent changes?


One question why does OsCommerce 2.2 appear as a dictionary?


You certainly have a breadcrumb problem, once your off the index.php page there is no going back or even forward....


Check all your pathways in configure.php in both catalog and in catalog/admin.

Make sure everything is correct.


purchase without account gives this error


1054 - Unknown column 'purchased_without_account' in 'field list'

select customers_id, purchased_without_account, customers_firstname, customers_password, customers_email_address, customers_default_address_id from customers where upper(customers_email_address) = '[email protected]' and upper(customers_firstname) = 'THETEST' and upper(customers_lastname) = 'THETESTTEST'


and registering gave inconsistant responses.


are you on a shared server

what settings are sessions are you using the tmp folder or have you set the configure.php to mysql

what settings are cookies...are you using force cookies set true or false

what settings are cache are you using the tmp folder is set to true or false


have you tried changing the line in both of your configure.php files the catalog and admin


define('STORE_SESSIONS', '');

change it to

define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql');

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


"One question why does OsCommerce 2.2 appear as a dictionary?"


Hehe..not sure where you found that one!



241- That was a last ditch effort that I didn't follow through on (contribution for ordering without an account..{the error 1054}) Thought I could bypass the problem with this. But I kinda said screw it I'll build it again. But now that I am having the same problem I am going to have to chase this one.


I'm not on a shared server.

configure.php set to default handler as below I tried as you suggested adding mysql - no luck


define('STORE_SESSIONS', ''); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'


forced cookies are false\

cache is set to false

cache dir = /tmp/


Thanks for your time and help guys.




Ok my husband is taking a break from this and I am trying to figure this out. I did notice that we are on a shared website hosting...will this make a difference as to the shopping cart problem we are encountering? I like the features of what we can offer our customers on our site and the ease of having a shopping cart is appealing to online shopers, but we are having a hard time figuring out what is going on here.


I am getting some customers able to put through orders, but it wont tell me what they ordered or show it as an order pending/processing, I just get credit card information that they paid. I get other customers telling me they add stuff to the cart only to see "your cart empty".


Thanks for your time and your help, I would love to get this figured out!



define('STORE_SESSIONS', ''); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'

set as this the default is to the tmp directory which may be shared with others on a shared webspace, so either create a directory and direct the session to the directory or set as mysql


I think you need to sort out the purchase without account in case this is compounding the issue


can you post both your configure.php files remember to xxx out the database information

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


Thank you Steve, I will try this out.


I appreciate any help I can get.


Thanks for the hand Steve...here is the config file.


1st one is from catalog




osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



// Define the webserver and path parameters

// * DIR_FS_* = Filesystem directories (local/physical)

// * DIR_WS_* = Webserver directories (virtual/URL)

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.gottascrapbook.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', ''); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('ENABLE_SSL', false); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.gottascrapbook.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '');

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');


define('DIR_WS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC', 'pub/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/services/webpages/g/o/gottascrapbook.com/public/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/');

define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'download/');



// define our database connection

define('DB_SERVER', 'sql.megasqlservers.com'); // eg, localhost - should not be empty for productive servers




define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persistent connections?

define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql'); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'



Second is the ADMIN configure




osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



// Define the webserver and path parameters

// * DIR_FS_* = Filesystem directories (local/physical)

// * DIR_WS_* = Webserver directories (virtual/URL)

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.gottascrapbook.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.gottascrapbook.com');


define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'false'); // secure webserver for catalog module

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/services/webpages/g/o/gottascrapbook.com/public/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/'); // where the pages are located on the server

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/services/webpages/g/o/gottascrapbook.com/public/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/'); // absolute pate required

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/services/webpages/g/o/gottascrapbook.com/public/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/');

define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'backups/');


// define our database connection

define('DB_SERVER', 'sql.megasqlservers.com'); // eg, localhost - should not be empty for productive servers




define('USE_PCONNECT', 'false'); // use persisstent connections?

define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql'); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'



I'll take a look at completing the other thing. (purchase without account)


Try dropping 'www' from your server and cookie paths.




As Matti says that would be my suggestion also change this line

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.gottascrapbook.com');

to this

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'gottascrapbook.com');

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.


:D You guys ROCK!


Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this problem for us...I would have never figured it out myself.


Hopefully I can return the favor one day...


thanks again...Jamie and Nicole


Oh..and btw..all that was required was to remove the "www" in the server and cookie info in the configure.php files. (as suggested by Matti and Steve)


Also just went back to one of my backups to correct the issue with the ordering withour an account. I just took it off...the contribution didn't serve any other purpose to me but to try and get around the issues I was having with the cart system.


Can't thank you guys enough..what a load off my shoulders!




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