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The e-commerce.

Install text add "write rights" instructions


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In the INSTALL file that comes with the current OsCommerce version, section 3 reads:


3. Using your favourite browser, go to the following address:


http://[your site]/catalog/install


and follow the instructions on the screen.


Please add the following Before section 3.

---- add from here ----

2b. The install program will write files to the /catalog/ folder. Since the install can be run from the web broswer (http://[your site]/catalog/install), the "everyone" group will need to have "write" access, during the install. Note: You will want to limit these rights after installlation is successful.


How to do this: For a Linux/Unix based server you can do this with CHMOD and setting "everyone" to get write access. With many hosters you will need secure SSH access, which you can do with the Putty client (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html) or with the SSH options in free FTP clients like www.smartftp.com. On the latter you will select the folder on the right half of the screen, right click, choose "properties/CHMOD" and allow "write" for everyone.

---- end of add on ----






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