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The e-commerce.

Feb 29... Javascript error


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Hi all,


Before I begin, I just wanted to mention that I wasn't sure what forum to post this information. Please make sure that the appropriate people get to see this.


I think I found an error in the General.js file located in the catalog/includes folder.


I verified this in TEP 18 Feb 2004 and in OSC ms2.2


In the function IsValidDate on line line 69 the value for February is 28.


var intDaysArray = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);


This year there are 29 days in February, how will that affect oscommerce?


I am not a programmer anymore, so I am not capable of rewriting the function to correct it. However, from my past experience programming, I believe the correct action would be to simply change the 28 to a 29. But don't quote me on that. I have no way of testing that theory.


Are there any other such functions in OSC that should be corrected to deal with the February 29 issue that occurs once every 4 years?





Thinking my way out of the box.

I am not a programmer anymore



Did you quit programming after Y2K?


Look down a few more lines.


  if (IsLeapYear(intYear) == true) {
   intDaysArray[1] = 29;


Thanks for your reply, I must have missed that.


Did you quit programming after Y2K?


For your information, yes, I stopped prgramming several years prior to Y2K. Not that it should make any difference.




Thinking my way out of the box.


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