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Change product layout in product_info.php


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Hello everyone! :D


I have done quite extensive search before submitting without any luck. I hope I am not repeating too much.


I am trying to do some changes to the layout of the "product information" file: catalog/product_info.php and being a novice with php I have some trouble.


You can see the current layout here:

Product layout


My questions:

- I would like to somehow pull the name of the publisher from the database into the product description field that now states "manufacturers_name". I have managed to include "publisher" and make it change name dependant on language by including an extra line in each of the includes/language files, but I have no success getting the publishers (manufacturers) actual name in there?


- When there is only one choice of attributes I would like it to not be a drop-down (example: "Delivery: Downloadable".


Is there a way to create it so there is only drop-downs where it is multiple choices?

If not, is there another workaround to be able to list values on the page but that is not in the regular "product description"-field?


- How do I go about getting rid of the [] around the "products model" field? If so I could use this field to display another attribute of the product without the attributes normal dropdown.


Thanks for a super forum!





First off to list the Publisher/Manufacturer in the product description you must first turn it on in admin/configuration/product listing.

Next under admin/configuration/maximum values, there are three items to be set for manufacturer that must be set.


Thanks Mike,


I don't follow exactly. Which values needs to be set?


Is it these on the Admin/config/maximum values page?

Manufacturers List 0

Manufacturers Select Size 1

Length of Manufacturers Name 15


Or is it on the admin/config/product listing

Display Product Manufaturer Name


None of these settings put the publisher inside the product_info page?





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