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PayPal Order Help


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I have searched the board and have went through SEVERAL PAGES of posts, but I cant seem to find my answer.....


When a customer purchases an item via PayPal, their order does not seem to be logged if they do not 100% complete the PayPal checkout process. I get emails from PayPal "Notification of payment received" but the order is not in the admin area nor do I get an email from OSC.


It is almost like OSC does not log the order until AFTER they return from PayPal, is that the case?


I have a several contribs and I hate to have to do another one for this issue, but I will if I have to I suppose...... But I would like an EASY fix :)



Thanks for your help!


Don't use that last contrib (IPN 0.981)!!! There is a high chance it will jack things up, and it has severe security issues.


Everyone has this problem with Paypal. If the customer doesn't click the last Paypal continue button, it doesn't get written in the db. All the Paypal contribs to fix this are relatively lengthy to install. I've used 0.981, uninstalled it, and have been using the much more mature PayPal_Shopping_Cart_IPN since (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1753).


Anyway, no easy fix. The lengthy forum begins at http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=72942&st=0 (don't install the contrib until you've reached the end of the thread).


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