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BTS 1.2 how to modify?


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I installed the mod BTS v1.2 and i don't understand how /what/where modify a template or a CSS to get a different design for subcategories in order to have display of my subcat different from the display of categories.


What exactly need to be modify?







Have you read the "how_to_use.txt" file ;)

You can modify the template files and create your own templates.

Fan of OSC system.................

Comming From China.............


Yes i did read the "how to use" and it doesn' say much about modifying the display for subcategories , may be you can tell me what i am supposed to modify on "main_page.tpl.php" in order to get a different display for my subcats? whatever modif i tried i end up getting the same display for categories AND subcategories... Maybe you can provide some explanations....



New BTS users:


Using the BTS you can change the site wide look of your store by modifying "main_page.tpl.php".


To change the look of all small info boxes edit "boxes/boxes.tpl.php".


To change the look of one specific box:

just create a new template in the boxes directory with the name of the box you want to edit (i.e. templates/CSS/boxes/search.tpl.php)

For an easy start: open the included "box.tpl.php" and save as "search.tpl.php" and start editting the new file.


If you are new to the BTS, reading the files in "old-docs" might help also.



Why are there 3 different index files and how to use them?








Am I supposed to insert a template name ?n this part of main_page.tpl.php ( $content . '.tpl.php)


if (isset($content_template)) {

require(DIR_WS_CONTENT . $content_template);

} else {

require(DIR_WS_CONTENT . $content . '.tpl.php');



Can someone provide a little bit of explanation?





in order to have display of my subcat different from the display of categories.


What exactly need to be modify?

Can't say exactly but:


through boxes.tpl.php you can change the looks of the boxes but not the content which is created in the includes/boxes files. You also can create a new special template for the categories box and/or assign CSS styles to the categories box.


But to make the subcats display different than the cats I think you have to edit includes/boxes/categories.php and somehow change the subcats code (assign a special CSS class to the subcats for example to make it possible to assign styles to it in the stylesheet).





Thanks but there is no call to any CSS in /boxes/categories.php so where do you think I can add anything? On top of my problem I need a specific design for only one subcat, not for all.


If (by chance) I was able to modify categories.php, my modif would apply to ALL subcats, no?


Must be a way to create a template for only one subcat and call it somewhere but I do not know where






reading back, I think I misunderstood you subcats question, probably best to ignore my previous post :rolleyes: (also lost connection so I couldn't edit my post)


Why are there 3 different index files and how to use them?





Because the index page shows three totally different types of content. Not easy for me to explain in a few words which file does exactly what, but I do think the filenames more or less speak for themselves. If you are unsure you can always add a line to the files like "<h1>this is index_default.php</h1>", and look what happens.


Am I supposed to insert a template name ?n this part of main_page.tpl.php ( $content . '.tpl.php)


  if (isset($content_template)) {

    require(DIR_WS_CONTENT . $content_template);

  } else {

    require(DIR_WS_CONTENT . $content . '.tpl.php');

Don't know why you want that? This part might be confusing because $content does not contain any content, but it contains the name of the current content file (when browsing i.e. "reviews.php" then $content='reviews' and reviews.tpl.php is used as template for the middle content area). The "if (isset($content_template)" part loads a "special" template for the pages if it is set (i.e. shipping.php does not use shipping.tpl.php as template but static.tpl.php, which template is being used for all static osc pages).


:o my connection is very slow at the moment, only hitting preview costs me minutes, and I see you already responded before I finished this post :(


Sorry, but I would not know at the moment how to create a specific design for one subcat, I also doubt if the BTS will make that task easyer for you.


hope this helps a little though to understand the BTS in general

(have to quit now the connection to osC is driving me crazy at the moment :angry: )


  • 1 year later...

Hi there,

Touching the subject of having three different index files, do either of you happen to know how to code the files so that each of these index files can use a different template?


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