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non secure warning on secure (https://) pages?


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i have been getting this error box when i try to access a secure area of my site. whether it is in the login page or checkout. basically all https:// pages display this error before entering it. how can i fix it? thanks.


here is the error



It is your "Live Help" image causing you the problems since it is being called from outside of your catalog directory.


hmm, well i reinstalled the live help into the /catalog directory, but i was still getting the error message. i just went ahead and removed the right_column.php from the page. now it doesn't bring up the error. not sure if there is another way to get the message to go away with the column still on though?


Change any image and js url's to be relative.



<script language="javascript" src="http://www.birddogbowling.com/catalog/livehelp/livehelp_js.php?department=1"></script>



<script language="javascript" src="catalog/livehelp/livehelp_js.php?department=1"></script>

Change any image and js url's to be relative.



<script language="javascript" src="http://www.birddogbowling.com/catalog/livehelp/livehelp_js.php?department=1"></script>



<script language="javascript" src="catalog/livehelp/livehelp_js.php?department=1"></script>

thanks! that worked! B)


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