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The e-commerce.

Password protectoin of a category


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I have seen this question asked before, but there was no response, i want to restrict access to a certain category, ie adult products - does anyone have any hints as to how to go about this?




Last month, i only knew how to spell PHP, this month i have mastered the art of swearing in php!


Hello, i had faced this problem but although no direct way but this one worked for me took index.php file from catalog manually placed my content ,images text etc and saved it as mylink.php and to assure that user must be logged in i took this code from login script and placed it on top of the my page.






if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {


tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));





alsosee that delte require("includes......); line may be already present so delete it if it is their. Also it is important the file should be in /ctalog folder and not anywhere else.


What The script is doing , is that it checks for users cookie setting now if he is not a registered user or has not logged in it will take him to login,or new user page and after that when user does that it will automatically load your custom page.

This worked fine for me although may not be the best.!!


thanks - that gives me something to work with!




Last month, i only knew how to spell PHP, this month i have mastered the art of swearing in php!

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Mansa77 for this tip and thanks to JoyC for asking. Works great.

osC details

osCommerce 2.2-MS2

PHP Version: 4.3.8 (Zend: 1.3.0)

Apache Release 10331100

MySQL 4.0.27-standard


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