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Since I am such a dolt I guess at doing things on this website, I have completely fuxxored it up. I wanted people to pay for the items via paypal and over and over I kept seeing paypal instant notification (IPN) as a must have for anyone wanting to do this. So I downloaded it and started following the instructions. Well about 1/4 of the way through, to where it says in the osC admin reinstall the paypal module. I have no option to do this, as far as I can see. I tested a checkout in my site to see if paypal was an option to pay and it was not. I thought I could do a restore and this would fix every change I had made recently and put it all back (meaning completely remove the IPN stuff) but all it did was lose all the info I had added. Such as my new items I had added and other changes. What I want to do, is either completely go back to before I had done the paypal IPN or get it to work. Please please please someone help!!!! Basically where I stand right at the moment is payment is only showing cash on demand and credit card payment. I am selling only virtual items and I need only paypal or credit card payments. Please help me get out what I idiotically put in!


Emmm ... no backup (files and database) anywhere around??!?


As for 'Reistalling the Paypal Module', after successfully installing the files as described, go to Administration Panel > Modules > Payment Modules and from the list click on 'Paypal' ... on the right side you should see a button like '+install' or '-remove' and 'edit'.

If you see '+install', click on it and you should be able to configure the module.

If you see '-remove- and 'edit', click on '-remove' and follow the instructions for '+install'! :-)


Should work ... I hope! :-)







I did do a backup restore on what I had backed up on my site yesterday. I didn't realize this back up would not restore everything I had done. It restored majority of the changes I did, but didn't take out the paypal ipn stuff.


As for reinstalling the paypal module, I know how to install it when its there. Basically it IS NOT an option to even choose the + - edit..etc All the rest of the options like authorize.net and credit card....etc are all still available to pick from but not paypal. That is where its confusing me, why did paypal become unavailable to install or edit?

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