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Please help! How do I upload files?


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1) I want to edit the Product page.

Where is this page? Which folder, where is the file? Is it a PHP? How is it named?

This statement and link is provided, but I want to edit it to read different and to link to a another location ... "For more information, please visit this products webpage."


2) How do I upload files? I've gotten the message: Error: File upload not saved -- and I've gotten the message that the file is not uploaded.


How and what do I do regarding the below warning?

If I'm putting too much information on this Forum can this be deleted?


Warning: move_uploaded_file(C:/webspace/mdscorp/cathylynn/cathy-lynn.com/www/catalog/images/gifts/graphite_hand.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\webspace\mdscorp\cathylynn\cathy-lynn.com\www\catalog\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 94


Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move 'C:\WINNT\TEMP\php2E51.tmp' to 'C:/webspace/mdscorp/cathylynn/cathy-lynn.com/www/catalog/images/gifts/graphite_hand.jpg' in C:\webspace\mdscorp\cathylynn\cathy-lynn.com\www\catalog\admin\includes\classes\upload.php on line 94


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