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Help! Cart empty and login takes you back to shop

Mark the Harp

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Help! I have a (previously) OK shop in MS2.2 and two things have happened this morning:


1) Choose a product and click on Add to Cart / Buy Now buttons, and you go to "shopping cart" page, but page says the cart is empty


2) If you login with your details you just get sent back to the shop homepage without the "Welcome back...." message. You can't access your account details either.


Not sure what's happened as I haven't done anything to the shop. Could this be the result of a change by my host?


I've had a couple of strange emails - is there anything they could have done via the "contact_us" page?


Any suggestions gratefully received




First off, you are going to have to give us some info about your OSC version, contributions you have added. Secondly if you go to your cart home page and then go to your admin page and go to whos online, do you still see yourself on catalog/index.php? What about sessions are they being created? Could your host have made any upgrades to the server your on? Changes to apache,perl,php,zend might be causing the problem.


What kind of strange emails????




HI Bloodshoteyes,


D'oh! It's confession / egg on face time... I changed the cookie settings on my IE browser to allow McAfee to work properly and at some point asked it to block cookies from the site. How stupid do I feel?... very! :-(


But on my local version (on my machine) I do get a page (cookie_usage.php) which warns me about non-enabled cookies, and on the online version, I just either get redirected to the login page (with blank fields) or sent back to the "shop home" page (without the "Welcome back...." message).


I'm intrigued as to why I don't get the cookie_usage.php page when I had the cookies blocked online.


There's one other inconsistency: There are parse errors - basically, the bottom of the page online doesn't parse correctly. Sometimes this persists beyond the first page loaded. Take a look at www.danceofdelight.com and you'll see what I mean.


Online version: PHP 4.2.3 / Apache 1.3.29

Local version: PHP 4.2.0 / Apache 1.3.24


The online site is generating sessionIDs.


Otherwise the site works fine!


PS the odd emails were viruses but the attachments were intercepted by my host (1&1 / Linux)


Anyway, any answer at least on the cookies?


Thanks for your response and apologies - I kicked myself when I saw the cookie thing!




PS Solved the parse error problem by adding a line to the application_top.php file. So only the cookie_usage mystery left!




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