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The e-commerce.

osCsid load problem


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I have links on my home page as shown :-


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT) . '?keywords=Tartan' ?>">More details.</a>


These links are to take the customer direct to a list of tartan items from various categories. It works fine except for the very first time the site is load (both on my local machine and on a remote server)


The problem is that the tep_href_link function returns the address of the advanced search page with the 'osCsid=12345... ' data tagged on the end. It only does this the first time the site is loaded if you reload the page the osCsid data no longer appears.


Any suggestions as to how to overcome this problem.




Running MS2.2

Web site www.jsceramics.co.uk (live)


Thank you



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