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Installing a Contribution


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I need to install a contribution but, the trouble is once i've un-zipped it I do not know what to do next. Where does the new file go? etc...etc...


Can anyone help please?




The instructions can usually be found in the readme file that accompanies the package. Check it first...





Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *


Thanks for your reply.


Wouldn't it be easier to simply copy and paste eg. 'shipping' and ammend it accordingly.


To be honest I'm not 100% confident/knowledgeable on installing contributions. :D


If you're confident with your abilities to update things by copying and pasting pages/sections and creating the right table entries in the database, then by all means, go for it.


In my case, a thorough reading of the README files that accompany the mods have resulted in working functions. If you don't know your way around the database, you could really compromise it -- or worse, break it.



Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *


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