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Strange question! Please wont you take a look at my site and tell me what colour the inside of my boxes are? They're meant to be light purple but some are telling me they are light blue?


If you see light blue can you explain why its doing this? I can edit my stylesheet to the point of deleting it but the site still works and doesnt change a bit! It used to work though? Anyone have any idea's?


Otherwise - im getting the logo designed professionally - so no comments on that yet pls! And any chance someone could place an order so i can see if the order process is working - please let me know if you are had any hassels! Just so i know its a test, at the last page pls put the delivery date as a 2003 date!


Thanks alot people, and have a good weekend!


Nick :ph34r:


Your site looks great to me. There is little if any difference between light purple and light blue. Your bold dark blue areas at the top play tricks upon the eyes. When you gaze at deep colors such as dark blue, the eyes tend to "retain the memory" of the blue and apply it to the white areas. There is a scientific explanation for this, but the point is that actual color and percieved color are not always the same.


Your layout is successful because it blends well and does not distract the customer from the business at hand. After looking at it the first time, I had to go back and read your question again to refresh myself. I became more interested in the text, etc.


Good luck,

Alton ;)


:huh: Hey guys...


Ive had like over 150 views, but no comments about the checkout?? Is it working and does no-one want to comment on the colours i was asking about!!??


Just like to thank u Alton for the review! - was nice to know that someone likes my site!!


So what the rest of you have to say?


Hey, Your site is good and neet. The thumbmails are dispropotionate, correct them by removing the hight perimerter to 0 in admin/images.


I can see light purple and it gois good with the overall look.


Thats all.


Hey just took a look at your site, looks good. Just a few points of criticism.


1. Regarding the colors in the boxes on my monitor I see light blue. Tried another screen and it came in with a slightly different shade of blue (more purplish). Are you using a non-dithering color? that would explain the variation in color rather easily.


2. In your greating you mention

"NGR Computers is a newly launched online webstore which we are constantly trying to improve, so should you find any errors, experience any problems or want to make a suggestion, please let us know! "


this is a great idea but I would drop the mention of being 'new'. As a consumer I have a bit of trepidation to any new online company. New meens not secure and brings into question whether you will be here next month when I have a problem.


3. What is distinguishing you from other computer supply houses? Why do I want to by from you rather than CDW? You need to state this in your greeting, as a sugestion mention your above and beyond customer service. As a small buisness owner you need to explain why I should buy from you.


4. Your site loads insanely fast...thank god.


5. Why do you send your customer out to the manufacturers site for product info?

each manufacturer has a button for where I should buy from. is your site listed first on each of those? If I start clicking on those links whats to bring me back to you to make the purchase.


6. The buttons you have on the side for 'buy now', continue, etc. dont seem to go with tthe shop..they stick out as an afterthought. try redesigning them using the same colors and pattern (maybe reverse it?) as your side boxes...the sight would flow better visually.


sorry if this comes across as a tear down...I liked your sight...and the general color scheme. the sight flows well and is easy to navigate through. Right there you are ahead of many other sites I have crawled over. the site shows that you took some time in thinking through your choices.


Good luck and much success.






on my monitor, the color is blue.

Overall, your store looks nice.

I have some comments though:


1. It took me a while to find out where your store is based. I can only assume that it's in south africa. You should put this information at least in the contact info screen and everywhere you print your address.


2. on some of your products' pics there is this rounded purple frame with on corner cut. This might add some uniqueness to your CI; however, in the product lists (small images) these frames do look very ugly on Mozilla Firefox and on IE since the right part is compressed out and half of the pixels in the corners are missing.


3. Generally, I can only recommend to use a 2-image or S-M-L image contribution: It reduces load time on long product lists and it looks much better (for example you can add your frame after making the image smaller). Also the compression algorithms used in most browsers make the images look very pixely and ugly. Sometimes they become out of proportion as well. With a professional software like photoshop you can make the 2 or 3 different image sizes yourself and they will look much more professional.


4. The icons for cart and cashier don't fit your CI. In my opinion, you need a cleaner more computer-like look here.


Good luck




:o To all that have comment so far - THANKS ALOT!!! :P


Ok, the things im correcting - thanks Yogidegr8 for your comment! Im looking for this "correct them by removing the hight perimerter to 0 in admin/images." - for some reason I dont have a "height perimerter" option - where exactly do i find it again???


To Kcount - thanks for the worthwhile constructive critism! Im working on a new colour scheme, and the comment about being new was duly noted :) ! Will work on the buttons aswell!!!


To Marcgaston - im working on making the images the same - thanks for the hints on what contrib's to use! Made life so much easier for me!


I should get all this done in the next day or two, i have a rough copy of the logo which a company made for me - ive put the rough version up for the meantime - what you guys think??? Is it *flashy* enough!?


Thanks for all your contributions!!! :ph34r:


:rolleyes: Hey need some hints here!!!


Do you guys think the header is ok?? Does it fit properly on your screens? Im running at 1024x768 and it leaves to white gaps on the sides?? Should i ask my designer to make the image bigger so it fits, or do most people run at 800x600???


What you people think?


Thanks in advance...


Nick :ph34r:


:P Hey hey people....


Hope you all had a good weekend!


Right, ive fixed most the issues which you people picked up!!! :P


Can/has anyone else found anything? The colour inside the boxes should now be a light tinge of green - im not seeing it right now, waiting for my dns or whatever to update so i can see my changes!!!


And what about the banner on top? Its the final one, you guys think its okay???


Sweet sweet,


Nick :ph34r:


B) Ive changed the colours, and added some more boxes... as well as changed the format of the boxes!!!


Found the problem on why the colours werent changing on my screen...my ISP was using something called *transparent* caching <-whatever that is!!!


Press CNTL + F5 to fix... what a relief!!


Sweet, what you people think of the look now? Still trying to get the banner to fit properly though??


Some opinions would be nice, anything that you see needs correcting? If u want me to review ur site send me the link!!!


Sweet sweet people...have a good night :ph34r:


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