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I am looking at osCommerce to set up a site for a company, and am trouble trying to find out whether or not VeriSign is an accepted way of accepting credit card payments online? The reason I ask is that their old site was running on VeriSign and if at all possible they would like to stick with that, but they are pretty tired of Windows and ASP and are considering using PHP-based products on Apache :)


I don't know if Verisign has a payment gateway or not, but as an SSL Certificate signer, they work just fine with osCommerce.


I don't use them, partially because I don't like some of the business practices they have had in the past with their competition, and partially because many of their competitors are cheaper. That said, though, they're probably the biggest SSL certificate authority out there, at least for the US.




hunh. I'd never heard of that. Something new every day . . .


Thanks guys, that link looks like it should work. I'm not a fan of VeriSign myself, but they're paying the bills and if they want VeriSign, that's what they'll get. At least I talked them into dumping the IIS :D


If that link does not work then the other Verisign contribution does. One works well, while the other one simply doesn't do a darned thing but I cannot remember which is which as it has been about a year since I installed it for someone. Rest assured, one does work though. :)


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