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The e-commerce.

Credit card storage


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Hello fellow OSC developers!


I am presently building a modification which allows for storage of user credit cards for later retrieval, akin to amazon.com


Has anyone else embarked on this?


Unfortunately, it's not an easy modification so I have no idea how I'd package it as a contribution.


It also requires certain things on the hosting server to use it.


Specifically, PHP needs to have been compiled with bcmath and the mcrypt libraries, and the use of a code encoder such as ioncube or Zend is needed to protect the encrypt/decrypt key.


I presently have completed the necessary account page for adding / editing credit cards and am now about to engage in the fun (ha!) task of incorporating these stored cards into the checkout process.


Just looking for tips/suggestions - things I may not be thinking of, etc.





Have you looked at the osCPro contribution? I think that it includes this, as it does recurring billing.


Also, I would just point out that I would prefer to do this on the payment gateway side. Most allow you to create profiles and then just access the profiles. This saves having to keep the credit card info (and associated liability) on your server.




Always back up before making changes.


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