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The e-commerce.

setting up credit card


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My client requires his customers to be able to order with credit card, but having the credit card details sent through email so he can process it manually rather than going full e-commerce. I have ben trying to figure out how to set the store up for that. Is there any documenation that i can read to help me achieve this, perhaps is a silly question but i cant seem to fugure it out. Or does anybody no how i go about going live with this. I really appreciate all the help i have had on this forum

thanks in advance


Think for security reasons you will need to submit the details through a secure form rather than Email - sorry I am not sure how to instigate this though.


Just out of interest - Why do the want to do it this way? - rather than let the system do it automatically for the(payment processing)

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i am not sure how it supposed to work. I was under the impression that once an order was placed the credit card details were emailed to the store owner so they could process it. He cant afford the high setup costs to go through the banks. The way I understood it was once an order was processed the customers credit card was automatically chrged the price which is to expensive for him to implement with the banks ect. Have i got this all wrong. That is why i offered him the oscommerce as i thought you could make a purchase and have the details emailed like it emails the customre notifying them of their purchase. The owner then receives the credit card details and processes the order himself. I am confused now. Sorry


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