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The e-commerce.

authorize.net integration problem


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I have osCommerce installed on our server and am trying to integrate it with authorize.net; however, I am receiving an error. This is my first cart using osCommerce and do not know what may be causing this.

1) I don't know what version of osCommerce is installed or how to find out (it came preinstalled with cPanel on our host)

2) The authorize.net error follows: (92) The gateway no longer supports the requested method of integration.

3) Authorize.net settings:

Accept authorize.net payments - TRUE

Authorize.net login: [our login]

Transaction Mode: Production

Transaction Method: Credit Card

Customer/Merchant Notification: TRUE


If the osCommerce version would help in solving this problem, please let me know how to get this. Any help is greatly appreciated!


HI, I'm also having problems with my authorize.net gateway in my cart


I get the error message below:


There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.



how can this be resolved


what do i need to do to change the gateway to SIM



thank you very much



2) The authorize.net error follows: (92) The gateway no longer supports the requested method of integration.



I think your problem is that you are using the default Authorizenet module, which is based on the weblink method (which is not safe, it can be hacked) and your Authorizenet account has weblink disabled. Once disabled, weblink can NOT be turned back on! (which, really, is a good thing!)


I recommend installing the Authorizenet ADC Direct Connect module contribution (it's in the downloads area on the first or second page). It's not hard, and it's secure ;)


HI, I'm also having problems with my authorize.net gateway in my cart


I get the error message below:


There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again.




You need to look in your AuthorizeNet area at the "unsettle transactions" list (assuming you look at the failures on the same day) and get details on your test transaction. This will tell you (at the top of the list) what the failure is. I'd be it's something like "AVS Mismatch" or something.


If it reads "declined" then the bank declined the card, and it's next to impossible (even as the customer) to find out exactly why (usual reasons are over limit, unusual purchase, overseas banks also decline lots of cards for no apparent reason).


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