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The e-commerce.

Once UPS or USPS module enabled


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I installed osC 2.2 MS2, and then configured the shopping cart with all the information that is needed. Then I added a test product and changed the flat rate cost to 0.01, then did a mock purchase with the test product and everything works. But once I install and enable either the UPS or USPS module, I get a "page not found" error when I "check out" from the cart section to /catalog/checkout_shipping.php


This is my first post and if anyone needs any more information, I would be glad to provide such.



Should I even put a signature?

- jrweldon


I am also having the same problem. First I thought it might be related to secure server (https) settings but even without that, UPS or USPS modules, once activated, cause "page not found" error during checkout. I am also using osC 2.2 MS2.


I posted this problem yesterday, and after some research, it could be related to ipowerweb. If they are your host, this is the likely cause. I sent them an email last night asking "what up" and will post the results when I get them.


If you are not using ipowerweb, i dunno.




Yes, I am using ipowerweb as my web-hosting company. Let me know what you find out.


John, are you also using ipowerweb ? Maybe it 'is' related to their setup.




Just a quick update - NOTHING!


Ipowerweb answered with "There is nothing wrong with your domain". So I had to explain the problem again, and sent them exactly what the error page is saying.


I would recommend both of you also submit a complaint or problem with ipowerweb as well. Maybe they will start looking into this if everyone with this issue submits their problem. Weird thing is my other website works on ipowerweb.


If anything else comes up I'll post!




This is strange! I was writing to IPowerWeb Support about this problem and wanted to give another try (to get the error msg), and found UPS option is working now !!


These are my settings -


Enable UPS Shipping True

UPS Pickup Method CC

UPS Packaging? CP

Residential Delivery? RES

Handling Fee 0

Tax Class --none--

Shipping Zone --none--

Sort order of display. 2


I was playing with Shipping Zone. My store is in IL state and when I chose IL in Shipping Zone, and made a test checkout, UPS option was not shown (it didn't show 'page not found' error). Then I went back and changed the Shipping Zone to 'none' and now its working!


I know it seems just opposite of what it should mean, as when I enabled the UPS option for a Shipping Zone, I should be seeing that option if buyer is from that zone.


Oh well ... ;)


for those of you using ipowerweb, they have been known for this problem for quite some time! sometimes they work, other times they dont. you get what you pay for.


for installing ups and usps, go to Wiki Documentation, explained there. also in your admin/modules/shipping is where you accomplish installing.


Well, well....now it works. I did not modify any of my files, and have only increased the amount of emails to ipowerweb. Not sure what happened, but if they reply I will post.




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