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Tax Subtotal


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I have setup my tax zones and tax states. When I check out, it does not pickup the tax subtotal and final total.


Any help would be appreciated.


Ivan Strickon

IPS Technology, Ltd.

[email protected]


A bit off topic, but how do you have your tax rates set up? Do you have one for each state? If so, would you mind sending me a copy of your DB with all the different state tax rates?


ARe you sure you completed the tax setup properly???


check thistax setup :rolleyes:


And didyou set the order total module in catalog/admin/modules/order total???


And one last thing I noticed you didn't mention Tax Class i.e. taxable goods this is used in your products.



Tax Class : taxable goods or non-taxable goods

Tax zone : Country

open folder when the is set and add each state spelling out each state completely

TaxRates : by state spelled out completely and the percentage.


The little open the folder icon doesn't get mentioned much


Good Luck


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