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Changeing index page


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Ok - Ive been able to figure out tweaking osCommerce pretty much how I want it....


but when they first go to the store I want to add the categories with there pictures above the whats new this month. I also want to only show 4 new items not all of them. Can somebody give me a link to info about this. Or just tell me where to edit the pages. I havent been able to find the right page?




Ok - I got it. I installed the browse by categories module. Ive also installed the airborne express and USPS modules and the login infobox. So Im not a complete retard!! :P But I cant figure out how to get rid of the login info on the first page? I included some images so youll understand what I mean:



Thanks for the help!!


Ok a few more images to help me out.


I figured out how to get rid of the welcome back stuff, and click here to login. But still cant get all the tables to line up. He is what i mean

Picture 1


Picture 2


Yan, I am very new at this and I looked at your site and see that you were able to get the photos in with the catagory names under them. Can you tell me how you did it. I can not figure it out. I want to do the same with mine.


It also looks like you enlarged the font. How did you do that?

Laser labels, barcode labels, custom labels


Ok heres what I did:

To put in the categoies with pictures you have to install the browse by categories contribution. It really easy. Just make sure you run the SQL query to create the tables. They dont make that very clear in the readme. here is a thread about the contribution:


Its long and not very helpful to a non techy, but you might get something out of it. You can find the contrib at the oscommerce site under contributions. You will need some kind of access to your MySQL DB to run the query.


To change the fonts and colors etc, you have to change them within the style sheet. It is located at:



If you know anything aboult css it should be easy for you. Im a newbie to this script but let me know if I can help you.


Now people , can I get some help please????


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