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Can OSC handle these numbers?


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Hi fellow forum friends,


We have run into a huge issue lately with a client that cannot use the online admin to administer the catalog in OSC. Strange that the site runs fine on all other instances, it's just that on the admin side of things the catalog response times are ridiculously slow and eventually on occassion just times out.


I started to do some investigation and from what I found so far I think may be related to the problem but wanted to run this by you all for your input and thoughts....


Total Products: 3,482

Total Categories: 862

Total Products to Categories: 8,447


Can OS Commerce handle these numbers? I would imagine that it can because the public storefront works fine and response time while a bit slower that I would like to see is still within acceptable ranges but the Admin simply isn't working well enough to be an effective store maintenance tool. Maybe one of the above numbers is the cause of the problem?


I have not yet optimized the MySQL database for 2 reasons. 1, I don't know how and 2, if the public storefront runs ok and it is the admin that is slow and not responsive then it makes me think something else is the cause of the problem. Does anybody else think that I am I corrct in that assumption?


I am going to run some additional detailed tests tomorrow to try and get to the root of this problem but wanted to see if anybody here has an opinion in the meantime.


Thanks in advance!!




My guess is that it should be fine. I have 279 categories, 3650 products (as per phpMyAdmin). I have not yet done any database optimization either.


I'm just about done copying stuff over to a staging area, so sometime in the next couple of days I can actually show you the admin for the staging server if you want. I just have to clear out the orders and customers tables.


You might wanna install it on a 2nd server, just for testing purposes.




Hi Jared,


Thank you for the reply. I did just that earlier today. I copied the entire site including php files, images, and the entire database to another server and ran the first set of tests again but got the same results which leads me to believe that the problem is still with the code or with the database or something along those lines.....


Additionally, the site speed was ok for a long time having been running the store since early summer but it seems that it has been getting worse the past few months beginning back around December and now is to the point of being useless as if the site doesn't time out, the wait time is well over 3 minutes per click.


Thank you again for the reply!!




Have you tried to repair the database? I'm not sure (yet) how it works, it's not a phpMyAdmin function, but in my hoster's cPanel, there is a db repair option. It's fixed wierd (though not identical) issues for me once before . . .


Also, adding indexes to the db supposedly can speed things up quite a bit.




Just a long shot here...

You're not running the entire Admin side as SSL, are you?

... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!


1. No, I am not running the admin as SSL.


2. I did read a bit about creating Indexes but am by no means a MySQL expert and am leary of making big changes to a database that I really don't understand.


3. Still though, why does the same exact database work ok for the public storefront (as is, no changes) but not ok for the administration is what still confuses me about this entire issue? Could there be a bug in the admin catalog program files somewhere that is causing these problems?


Thank you!




I've found that the number of products doesn't cause a problem (as I have 100,000) but the categories brings the system to a halt.



I've since had another database written to cope with the navigation between products. Works ok as well.


Here is what you can do.


Q1. Did I do something to my /admin code that slowed it down.

A1. Load up a fresh osCommerce Installation preferably a new download

of the base code and connect it to your current database. (localhost,dbUser,dbPwd)


If it is still slow then you know it is your database.


Q2. How do I optimize the database.

A3. In MyPhpAdmin form your hosting panel and

i.) First optimize the database (this removes empty records and compacts)

ii.) Drop and recreate Indexes

Look at the Tips section of this forum for mySql optimization.

There are many things you can do. Since your more concerned about

Admin Section optimization I would look critically at the database.


Q3. What other things do I need to look at.


Is mySql running out of resources

(did you remove the RAM and forget to put it back :unsure: )

If mySql is shared what is the load on the CPU


Yes, MySql and osCommerce can easily handle the quantity of records you described.



OK, I loaded a fresh OSC installation and connected to the database...... still slow on the admin side. So I called my Web host and explained the problem. A few hours later the entire site FLIES! Both the public and admin sides are moving faster than ever before, less than 5 seconds between clicks in all sections!!! I haven't heard back from them yet on what they did but they had to have done something?!


I appreciate all of the help on this topic frm everybody who posted. Thank you! I just hope the site remains this fast and that my client remains extremely happy again using the admin section of his Web site.


I will post back here when I do hear what the problem was....


Thanks again!



  • 3 months later...

My client has removed his products & then re-entered them using well over 1000 categories (only 5600 products) which is making the site run extremely slow!! I found this in the forums


"I've found that the number of products doesn't cause a problem (as I have 100,000) but the categories brings the system to a halt.



I've since had another database written to cope with the navigation between products. Works ok as well. "


but there is no explanation on writing another db to cope w/ the navigation, could anyone give me any suggestions please on how to do this, or anything else to help speed up the site!! Thanks.


Doug, your host probably installed a service pack, or (if on a shared server), someone else in your server installed something weird.


MSN installed a SP one time that shut my work's web site down... we aren't using them in anyway which was weird. But, somehow, in the trickledown effect, it messed with our site. The WWW is a weird animal :blink:

Contributions I used : Updated 06-13-04 23:42


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the number of products will not slow the database down, as i have worked with mysql databases with over 17 million products, and 2 gb of space. it has to deal with the categories/and option/attribute combinations. also, php is probably set to 8 mb ram and 30 seconds on the timeout.

the only way you will be able to get around the problems you are having is to change to a server where you can adjust some of these parameters

  • 1 year later...

Sorry, newbie question......How do I "drop and recreate indexes" in mySQL database admin console?





Here is what you can do.


Q1. Did I do something to my /admin code that slowed it down.

A1. Load up a fresh osCommerce Installation preferably a new download

of the base code and connect it to your current database. (localhost,dbUser,dbPwd)


If it is still slow then you know it is your database.


Q2. How do I optimize the database.

A3. In MyPhpAdmin form your hosting panel and

i.) First optimize the database (this removes empty records and compacts)

ii.) Drop and recreate Indexes

Look at the Tips section of this forum for mySql optimization.

There are many things you can do. Since your more concerned about

Admin Section optimization I would look critically at the database.


Q3. What other things do I need to look at.


Is mySql running out of resources

(did you remove the RAM and forget to put it back :unsure: )

If mySql is shared what is the load on the CPU


Yes, MySql and osCommerce can easily handle the quantity of records you described.


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