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Renaming the 'admin' folder at new instal


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Hi all...


the install instruction sais:


"Do the same (copy the 'catalog' directory to the webroot path of your webserver) for the 'admin' directory but rename the directory to a unique and secret name. This directory does not have to reside inside the catalog directory, though may need to be manually configured."


Problem is that I am getting this following error:


1046 - No Database Selected

select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration



I renamed the 'admin' folder BEFORE the instalation. However, the catalog works... I had a successfull install before (on another machine/server) where I was able to access the Administrator tools (Configuration, etc.)... But... EVERYONE here know how to get to my administrator folder...Lol!!!


Now I understand that the only 'protection' at this point is to rename my admin folder to something else secret only I know... But the question is... should I do this before or after the OSCommerce instalation?


Oh yeah... I checked the script of the catalog / mysecretadminfolder / includes / configure.php


I had to manually define the database connection parameters ok... still the same error...


PLease help.


thanks a lot,



The simplest thing is to put the admin folder back inside the catalog folder then re-run the installation program (skip the db import part).


Then you may rename/move the admin folder. You'll need to edit the admin/includes/configuration.php file to reflect your changes.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)


Alan... thanks a lot ... it worked...


I can access the configuration page ok that resides inside the 'catalog' folder...


however, all my links from there seem to be broken because I am missing the 'catalog' folder from each url...


do you know what parameter requires that in the 'catalog / mysecretadminfolder / includes / configure.php'?







I found it... I had to add that in the


define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/catalog/mysecretfolder/');





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