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The e-commerce.

Don't want immediate download.


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I have setup my store and everything seems to be working fine. I will be selling downloadable products. I have (for the time being) set it up to accept cash/chq and paypal payments. My problem is that the download link is given to the customer immediately after the transaction. I wish the download to be delayed until I approve it (payment has beed received).


I am sure this is probably an easy fix but I can't seem to find it. Can somebody please lead me in the right direction?




I can't help you with your enquiry just yet, I can't actually get the download URL to be presented to the shopper. I'm using Barclays ePDQ, after you pay it returns back to my site with the standard 'Your Order Has Been Processed!' screen. At which point does the download URL present itself? Do I need to get ePDQ to return some code to OScommerce so it knows to present it?




Fixed my probelm, I needed to add in options to the Product Atrributes, I was trying it without.


Now having seen the page with the download links and info, you can removed the code on the Checkout Success page and just not display the download links. Also remove the details under their Account page. then you could email people when you want to allow them the download. Just a suggestion, I haven't thought through how this might affect how OSC needs to track things.


looking for something similar to this for a new site I'm workng on too...


All of my site's products will be downloadable, there's about 3,000 products, each available in 3 different formats. Now, I don't want to add each product 3 times (once for each format), but as osCommerce apparently doesn't support multiple downloads for a single product based on an attribute (yet), that would be my only option - except for that mentioned above.


Then once I know the order is complete, the money's good, I can get the appropriate files in the appropriate format ready for my customer to download.


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