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I like the illustration on your first page. But then you go from that to a standard osC setup. The only thing in your cart that resembles that first page even remotely is your logo at the top which stands out like a sore spot in the catalog. Play around with the catalog more and change the way it looks. You'll get a lot more reviews once you've put in more work into the design.


From your main page I was expecting something totally different from the generic osC until I viewed your shopping cart.


You should try and use main page as a theme benchmark for the entire site. If you call pull it off, your site will look great. Good luck!

Curiousity kills the cat but not George ;-).


It's weird how the main page is encrypted, but then anytime you click on a product link, you are greeted with the "You are now leaving an encrypted page..."


Isn't it a good idea to just use SSL on ordering pages or when people submit private info?


1. Basic install. No customization. Boring and amaturish.


2. Various product images are broken


3. https:// stuff is screwy. Index.php is encrypted, products and some account pages are not.


4. ALL YOUR PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS ARE IN ALL CAPS. Caps are the like yelling on the internet. Bad move.


5. Your product attributes are messed up. Bad.


6. You have the languages box, but only one language. No point.


7. You are selling name brand designer items that are obviously not name brand designer items. You are going to get sued.


8. You have no shipping and returns information


9. You have no conditions of use information

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site


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