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Unable to login or create an account!

Andrew J

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Did you purchase an SSL certificate for your domain name as it is calling that page as secure and apparently your domain does not have SSL cert. You can get to the create_account page by changing the https:// to http:// such as here:




OK but people just clicking on it, they wont correct the url manually.

So, where Can I change this ssl function back to normal. I dont want to reistall the package. Should I?


In your catalog/includes/configure.php file change this to false:


  define('ENABLE_SSL', true);


  define('ENABLE_SSL', false);


Problem solved. thx


Some questions:


I want to secure the admin region. Should I move out the /admin directory from the /catalog directory? It will properly functioning in the root folder?


What is the proper method to install a new language package? Just copy the language packages into the /catalog/include/languages and /catalog/admin/include/languages folders? Im talking about the hungarian language pack. Or there are other things to do?


And there is a zones.sql file where should I copying this file?





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