poeta_eletrico Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Hello Guys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well I am just a new OsCommerce user and I was wondering the possibility to install my own country language, so : Brazilian Portuguese. I was either at another TOPIC and a very smart and experient user of this great forum : The_Bear wrote about a contribution user for my language. Well, I went to the Contributions link on OsCommer website and download that directory. So let s see my considerations : ------------------------------------------ with the DOWNLOADED DIRECTORY ------------------------------------------ 1. The very top table for CATEGORIES does not load evern when I had did changes in the DATABASE for "languages", but the very rigth top table for SHOPPING CART still not working. 2. I have a "great" idea. In my Myql server and into "LANGUAGE" table I changed the record for ENGLISH like this : + --------------- + -------------- + ---------------- + ------------------ + ------------------ NAME CODE IMAGE DIRECTORY SORT ORDER + --------------- + -------------- + ---------------- + ------------------ + ------------------ So I changed the directory in the english record for PORTUGUES , but keep up the rest so worked properly !!! I mean : CATEGORIES loaded taking path from my portuguese directory and the shoppingg either. So I must must be something with the CODE that in english is : EN and for portuguese is BR .... Well If you have an idea on how can I solve this , please answer this post. I really dont want to use the OsCommerce like this, cos I think you must do the "right thing" and find why did not work with the rigth Country Code. Below you have two images : One describing when I try to use the right code for my language, so "br" and the other the change I did for english record on database. Thank you very much for your attention, Poeta_Eletrico --------------
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