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I really need some help with Image_Resize (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,350).

I have installed Image_Resize 1.5 and the thumbnail creation is working just fine. However, it will not display the big image in the popup. I am using their most recent fix (11/04/2003) for the popup_image.php file. When I right-click over the image and view its properties I see it is calling the image from store/images, rather than store/images/images_big


On the path to the big_images folder defined in $sImagefile it is adding an extra level of my catalog name. Ex. "/home/luminous/public_html/store/store/images/images_big/fwc-m_Sky_RS.jpg There should only be one /store in that string.


But the root of the problem seems to lie in the string:

$image = is_file($sImagefile) ? $sImageBig : $sImageDefault;

When I have it write out the value of $image using echo $image . "<br>"; it returns the file located within store/images, not store/images/images_big even when a file exists there. What is that string doing and why is it ignoring $sImageBig?


This is what my popup_image.php file looks like:


$image_subdir = DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES_BIG;
if (substr($image_subdir, -1) != '/') $image_subdir .= '/';

// if you have problems showing the big image, remove the slashes and check the path
$sImageDefault = DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_values['products_image'];
$sImageBig = DIR_WS_IMAGES . $image_subdir . $products_values['products_image'];
$sImagefile = DIR_FS_CATALOG . $sImageBig;

echo $sImagefile . "<br>";
echo $sImageDefault . "<br>";
echo $sImageBig . "<br>";
echo $image_subdir . "<br>";
$image = is_file($sImagefile) ? $sImageBig : $sImageDefault;
echo tep_image($image, $products_values['products_name']);


I added the extra echo statements in there trying to find where that extra /store was coming from.


Right now I have resorted to removing the:

$image = is_file($sImagefile) ? $sImageBig : $sImageDefault;

statement entirely and using

$image = $sImageBig;

forcing the page to go to the images_big directory for the image.


This is really a band-aid, I hope to get the page working as it was intended without butchering its code like that.


My store can be seen in action at http://www.luminousgifts.com/store Please forgive the messy appearance, I am still in the early stages of customizing the look.


Thank you,



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