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When somebody purchases an item and clicks confirm order I want them to get a sign that states please wait order processing. This way the credit card company will know that the customer is present and will prevent a timeout response.

Using Linux - oscommerce Dolby


what module or payment service are you using? i have a few different vendors setup for different sites, they all work the same way, the customer can not go on until some kind of response comes back from the CC company. either positive, negative or if no response hten it will state pending on their order after a timeout period.


I'm using Authorize.Net The customer just sees that everything went just fine. Everything seems just fine on my end as well I get an email and everything. Except when I go to authorizenet website and check unsettled transactions. Thats where I see the error and know that the credit card did not actually go through. The site is nutracell.net

Using Linux - oscommerce Dolby


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