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Multiple sku solution & cart question


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I've come up with a solution to a problem many people have had here.

Mind you I have not checked these forums in a few months so I might be out of the loop on some things. But here goes:


Take a look at :



Most products for this site come in multiple formats.

Let's say; CD, Tape and Downloadable Media (PDF, DOC, MP3, ETC).

For instance take a look at this product


However each format may have a different sku associated with it.

So you have a single product with multiple sku's (model numbers) associated with it depending on the different formats/options/attributes it has.


Ok, we're all familiar with this scenario and there are many workarounds for it.


My solution was based around a parent - child analogy which I will discuss in another posts. As you can see it works fairly well for my specific needs.


B) This site also uses a modified version of EasyPopulate that helps me manage the 800 plus downloadable products and "event" based products.

I REALLY need to get this stuff out to the community for you guys to test out and hack at a bit.


So now I have one last issue and I can sleep again. PLEASE SEND HELP:

Go ahead and add the above product to your cart (add "Download" to your cart then go back and add a "Tape")

Ok, see how it DOESN'T add the word "Tape" to the cart.


So as you can see, I need to add extra data to the session and subsequently to the cart.

I've found this thread

http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=61038 and I know about the Product Attributes - Option Type Feature contribute, but that's not quite what I need.


Can someone please point me in the right direction?


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