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The e-commerce.

My store in progress


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Hey everyone my store should be fully up within the next few day please check it out and spread the word. word of mouth never hurt.




Thanks again


Unless you're gonna translate the whole store to German and Spanish, loose the language info box. It's not doing any good.


fix the ALT text for your logo. I'd make it blank, but your store name is good too.


you only have one currency? no need for that info box either.


The default DVD movies category still exists. loose it if you don't need it.


put something in the

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And I'd invest in moding the out of box osC a little.


Good luck!


Hey 360, I spend alot of time on my site just for images alone. What I did, I picked one size for basically the whole site. Then I used a photoeditor to make everything fit in the one size. So nothing gets stretched or shrunk that way. A couple sleepless nights on your site will make a big difference. That days are too short.




Thanks, I will work on the images as well as other stuff noted here. I am still in process of adding items and getting store out there so thats why some sections may still be empty.


Once again thank you.


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