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Changing Section Icons


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ok, I have spent the last two days looking for a solution to this problem and can't seem to find it.


First here is the link to the problem: DAC Sky Online Shopping Cart



As you can see the icon in the upper righ corner for the "Products/Categories" is missing. So far this is the only page that has this problem. I tried right clicking on icon to see the name of the file but of course that does not work. So from the browser I did File>Save As and opened the file in Dreamweaver just so I could find the file name of the graphic. But for some reason the src is pointing to images.html.


Does anyone have any idea where and how to fix this. Any help would be appreciated. The shopping cart is almost finished I just need to get rid of that stupid missing icon. Thanks


Ryan Condict


Upload an image for the category Steplite. Note: if you have trouble doing this with the admin interface, you can change the image name directly in the database with a tool like phpMyAdmin and upload the file via FTP.




Always back up before making changes.


But what would be the file name for the icon? It is easy to change other pages icons, such as "Cart Contents" icon (http://dacsky.com/consumercart/shopping_cart.php) because I can right click on the two shopping bags image and see the image is named 'table_background_cart.gif' so I upload a blank white graphic to replace it. However, I can't figure out the name of the icon on the Categories page and don't understand why it is missing. Does that make sense?


Ryan Condict


Nevermind, after re-reading what you posted I understood what you were saying and it fixed the problem. Thanks so much. I can't believe I wasted two days on something so simple. Why is it always the simple things that screw things up.




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