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New account creation problems


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And it was all going so well...


OK, I have been playing around all day, making backups all the way then running tests but, something has occured and I don't know what I have done to cause it. I replaced the last few files I was playing with but still have the same fault(s). I shall first describe the faults then tell you what I've been doing that may have caused it.


1. If creating a new account using United Kingdom / United States as the country, I get the same warning: "Please select a state from the States pull down menu." - there is no States pulldown box! I am assuming that this error will occur with any country with States as it does not occur with those without.


2. Upon receiving this warning, the page doesn't load back in properly - I get a "Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /homepages/2/d95939692/htdocs/smellyourmum.com/catalog/create_account.php on line 351" error. Any ideas what this is?? Here is that line it mentions


for ($i=1; $i<32; $i++) {

            $dob_day[] = array('id' => sprintf('%02d', $i), 'text' => sprintf('%02d', $i));



Please feel free to make your own accounts to try and see what the problem is http://smellyourmum.com/catalog/ there are only a few test items there and the look is still under contruction, but most functions work.


So, here is what I changed that *may* be the cause of at least # 1 above


a) added the favourite countries hack for the country pulldown (since reverted back to backup but would like it on there!)


removed the telephone number as a needed field


c) in admin, deleted some countries that I didn't want to ship to (high risk credit card fraud countries)


NOW, I have a sneaky feeling that it might be that last thing that I did that has caused the problem. If so, how do I get back the countries I deleted??


Thanks in advance - I hope to go live in the next week or so so all help appreciated!




any ideas anyone?? i'm getting pretty desperate here! i am pretty certain the problems have occured through me deleting (via admin) some of the countries so how can i rectify this??




Thanks for having a go - what country did you select??? If I pick either the UK or the USA, the next screen I get to has the State error plus the string error.






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