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The e-commerce.

Install doesnt work :(


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I am trying to install OSCommerce V2.2ms2, i have unzipped it and uploaded to my server where i will develop the store.


The server is a Cobalt RaQ550, running PHP 4.0.6, mysql 3.23.56-MAX and phpmyadmin 2.5.4


When i run the install script it gets to the enter the database info, so i enter the server ip address, username, pasword, and the name of a blank database (trncproducts - created in phpmyadmin), but when i click continue the next page is half missing :(


I dont know what to do - i hate this kind of thing, mysql really does my nut in and never plays nicely so i dont know if its that or the installer thats at fault.


If you click the links below youll see a screenie of what i get at the database and post database stages.


Database Info

Post Clicking Continue...


Are you on a shared server?

If yes put localhost has the database server



no - dedicated server, altho it is shared among about 8 domains i have running on it currently.


I have tried both the IP address and localhost and both yield the same odd results :(


I too have this problem too.


It appears that the install expects you to have your mysql root password as blank which is not very likely to happen. So the database create will fail.


I therefore created the database manually and granted my chosen user (dbuser) and password (dbpass) full access.


grant all on osCommerce.* to dbuser@localhost identified by 'dbpass';


But the install procedure still fails at the same point with no error.


I therefore tried to follow the manual install instructions.


They too appear flawed


>>> Do the same for the 'admin' directory but rename the directory to a

>>> unique and secret name. This directory does not have to reside inside the

>>> catalog directory, though may need to be manually configured.


This is confusing, following the instructions you have already copied this using


cp -R catalog /usr/local/apache/htdocs/


I assume this means rename the directory if required and if you want to move it elsewhere you can. It mentions may need to be manually configured but does not state how.


The mysql commands shown will require your root username and password


The import command should read


./catalog/install/oscommerce.sql as you are still in the root directory.


changes to configure.php are fairly simple and straightforward


Now you can use your browser to view the pages which should be located at



Wrong !!! There is still a redirect to install/install.php


somehow need to find and replace catalog/index.php with the correct file.


Got a bit further had not set STORE_SESSSIONS


setting define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql');


Now I get the real error which is probably causing our auto installs to fail.


from catalog/index.php


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19


Seems like probably need some php mysql functions installing.


Any ideas anyone ?

  • 3 months later...

I had this same issue on debian Linux.


The database connection seems to fail, but the page never loads fully to tell you there is something wrong. :(


I had a flash of inspiration and wondered if my php4-mysql package had gotten installed. dpkg told me no, so I su'ed to root and apt-get install php4-mysql. After it installed, it prompted me to make a change (actually, the install process for the mysql php component did it, but anyway) to Apache's config.


A reboot later, (just to be sure) I got an error message back.






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