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Dynamic Column Width


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It is likely a meager understanding of html and OsC's variables that is making me learn these through your welcome responses.


Thank you very much...


Changing the width of columns -


Edit /includes/application_top.php about line 139

define('BOX_WIDTH', 180);

was found at:



:huh: So, who knows how to make them dynamic - to the browser width :)

Many thanks to who points me where this is..


I'm using...

product_info.php,v 1.97 2003/07/01 14:34:54







So does ANYONE know how to automatically resize the width of the main page?


Did I mess up my index.php, and now it doesn't resize anymore? Or is there some code I must add.


Any assistance is cool.





Hi, Ashish.


I'd definately recommend installing Basic Template Structure, which can be found here: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1263.


Don't do what I did though, and use the 'OneTable' template, as it's a bit buggy and not recommended for production sites!


By using this template system, you can edit all your pages by changing 'main_page.tpl.php' - Including the table width and box width. There's also a template for your boxes, so you can set the with in this file to whatever you want.


If you don't want to install the template system (very easy to install anyway), you can add the following code to all of your pages' outermost tables:

width="<?php echo MAIN_TABLE_WIDTH ?>"

And then add this:

define('MAIN_TABLE_WIDTH', '80%');

to application_top.php. That way, all your tables will be 80%, or whatever you set this value to.


Another way to do it would be to use the stylesheet to define the width of the table. Just give your outermost tables a unique id tag, and add this:

#outerTableLT {
   width: 750px;

All of the above 3 methods *should* work if done correctly.




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