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Config Problems


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It may just be me, but these config files don't really explain the define()s very well, or atleast what needs to go there. I do have a more complicated install because we are installing it in a subfolder (i.e. http://www.mydomain.com/testsite/catalog). We will be moving this when we move 'testsite' to its own domain, but for now we need to install osCommerce here. There have been MANY problems that I have had to work around, but here are a few that I really need help with.


First, when we go to ADMIN>TOOLS>File Manager or Define Languages, we get these errors:




Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in D:\HTTP\wwwroot\testsite\catalog\admin\file_manager.php on line 179




Warning: dir(http://www.mydomain.com/testsite/catalog/includes/languages/english): failed to open dir: not implemented in D:\HTTP\wwwroot\testsite\catalog\admin\define_language.php on line 152


The other links seem to work fine, other than a couple top page pink errors such as:




Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php.




Error: Cache directory does not exist. Please set this Configuration->Cache.



As for the Mail, it won't work either. I know I need to make the changes in the Mail Function part of PHP.INI, but how do I set it up to use a mail server on another server of mine elsewhere?


I'll be posting a couple other questions that I have too, but this is lots for this post. Thanks anyone that can get us any help, we have been working on this for 2 days, and I have 3 more of these to set up.


Dennis A. Ford

[email protected]


A couple other problems I have just noticed, when I go to




we get this error


Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: http://www.mydomain.com/testsite/catalog/images/


Also, when I try to add a pic when adding a product, it has the directory right, but doesn't add the image to the folder on line, nor does it add the file name to the database entry for that product. If I add the image manually to the server, and add the name of the image to the database manually, it works fine.


Finally, the modules in the admin panel doesn't seem to have anything there. There is no errors, it has a file path, and an install button, but the install button doesn't work.


All help is mucho appreciated, maybe we can return the favor!


Dennis Ford

[email protected]

It may just be me, but these config files don't really explain the define()s very well, or atleast what needs to go there

You dont have to put nothing there if you install the right way, before starting the installation chmod both your catalog and admin/includes/configure.php to 777 so the install can write on those files

And after installation chmod back to 644

This way all your errors will be gone

This document explain everything



It may just be me, but these config files don't really explain the define()s very well, or atleast what needs to go there

You dont have to put nothing there if you install the right way, before starting the installation chmod both your catalog and admin/includes/configure.php to 777 so the install can write on those files

And after installation chmod back to 644

This way all your errors will be gone

This document explain everything



Put nothing where? I'm talking about the definitions, where you do have to put stuff, like your paths. Although I am editing the files directly from the admin user by remote connection to the IIS server, I tried chmod the files to 777 but that unfortunately still didn't work.


I have been all through that document, while useful hours ago, I have finished with everything from that install doc.






Still having these problems, anyone that might have a different solution, please help!


What i meant is, if the 2 includes/configure.php files are chmod to 777 before you start the installation, the installation would of write all the necessary "paths" by itself so you would not had nothing to write yourself




ohhh, right on, sorry. Is there anyway to do that now? I have done a lot of customization already, I'd hate to loose it. Thanks!


Copy/paste both your configure here (without the database info)




I went ahead and saved the important parts and reinstalled it the correct way. Thank you very much for your help! I spent around 16 hours working on the bugs caused by not doing it this way.




Actually, had one last question. I know .htaccess files well, but I don't think they work in IIS, not very familiar with IIS, mostly apache. How do I password protect my Admin folder in IIS?


Thanks again!



Copy/paste both your configure here (without the database info)



I am having the same problem.


What does the code look like in the cinfigure files?


If you are using the IIS, here is what I did. I went into IIS, went to the folder where the admin is located, and right click, go to properties, and in security I think it is, you can close off access to this folder to everyone but specific IP addresses. I added the boxes IP, and my home IP, and now no one but myself can access the pages.


Hope that might help!




Hello all. I figure I have nothing to lose by posting here. I am getting the following errors. Instead of using the directory catalog, I am using the directory buy. I am going to tinker around with this thing hopefully until it works but here goes nothing:


Warning: fopen(/home/mainwebsite_html/var/www/html/buy/includes/configure.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html/buy/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 209


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html/buy/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 210


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html/buy/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 211


Warning: fopen(/home/mainwebsite_html/var/www/html/buy/admin/includes/configure.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html/buy/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 259


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html/buy/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 260


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html/buy/install/templates/pages/install_7.php on line 261

The configuration was successful!


Ha funny.... configuration was NOT successful as you can see if you go to my website, www.uewe.com/buy


Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I don't understand why it is looking for the directory home/virtual/site14/fst/var/www/html when I already inputted the correct directory. :angry:


well, the first difficulty to overcome is using the folder 'buy' instead of catalog. I don't know all the files, but several, if not many, need to be updated to use this new subfolder. I did read this somewhere on this or the wiki site. I had problems that I couldn't fix when I tried to use a subfolder (i.e. www.mydomain.com/subfolder/catalog). If you want to make it work good out of the box, use a direct static IP or a domain name and standard subfolder name (i.e. www.yourdomain.com/catalog). That installation should add years back to your lifespan.




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